A Valuable Initiative for AKPsi and a Second Student Organization
Our intention with the Better Together program is to create, pilot and launch a repeatable process which can ultimately be followed at other schools with an active AKPsi chapter, or comparable student organization, and a partner student organization team.
The overall approach is to encourage the two student organizations to collaborate on a project that might not otherwise happen through one of the existing support groups on campus. For instance, events like job fairs, mock interviews, or LinkedIn workshops can already be provided though the campus career center, and would not be eligible for this program.
It will be our intention to introduce an initiative different than anything your university currently provides the students. Furthermore, participation in this program will provide the participating teams with the following outcomes:
It will have a clear objective to serve the local community in a direct and impactful manner.
It will be unique in that it will not be available to the students via traditional campus resources.
It will engage students from both the lead student organization (AKPsi or comparable group) and a second group developing cross team communication and collaboration.
It will give the participating students a much stronger understanding of “thinking like an entrepreneur” and building a viable business plan.
We will draw upon the Project Management Institute, (PMIGL), in support of their commitment to Academic Outreach. We will ask them to help provide this project with mentoring in project management skills and approaches.
We will draw upon several of the skill building processes associated with the Business Edge methodology developed by the Commonwealth Leadership® Alliance associated with AKPsi.
It will furthermore, develop a structure for participating students to develop a stronger sense of personal entrepreneurial skills and abilities.
For this strategy to be successful, we are committed to provide the participating student groups with the following supporting resources.
- Access to an entrepreneurial-based business plan template that contains the following necessary elements:
a. How to capture a clear statement of the purpose of the initiative
b. Suggestions for engaging the local community in developing an impact statement
c. A projected budget
d. A projected staffing plan
e. Contact information for the local PMI chapter
f. Explanation of both Waterfall and Agile Project Management Techniques
- Access and coaching regarding Business Edge from AKPsi and how to apply it.
- Mentoring from PMI professionals.

Alliance with a local chapter of PMI
Each project will originate with an AKPsi student group (or a comparable group) and it will be endorsed by the Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Staff. That student group will then reach out to another student group on campus and form a Better Together Team.
Then, we will connect the groups with someone from PMI (possibly virtually), with solid project management experience and an interest in coaching students. This will be considered a “Gateway Volunteering Opportunity” for that PMI member and is strongly endorsed by PMI’s Leadership Team.
The individual will also introduce the idea of forming a student club to be affiliated with their home PMI chapter. The members of the club will be made up of AKPsi students, the second student organization that joined the program, for inclusivity and expanded access, any students from the school who might be interested in project management.
Subsequent chapters from other schools participating in the Better Together program will be eligible to join the student club for each specific PMI chapter.
There will be no cost to the students who participate in this club and they will have access to the local chapter’s membership and events. We see it as a true added benefit to those students who choose to take advantage of this opportunity.
The student club will be heavily involved in the Better Together initiative initially, but will also be able to pursue other initiatives that will benefit their students in the area of project management.
A given student can conceivably be in the AKPsi chapter, the second student group, and ultimately a member of the PMI student club.

Three Possible Pilot Opportunities.
- A Veterans Event
- A High School Event
- An Economic/Budget Event
These are the initial pilot plans and we hope to have four to five chapters pursue one of these opportunities for the pilot.